Friday, May 30Folks, we got a mystery on our hands here. says this is
Battlestar Galactica (2004), but the girl at the IFC box office said all she knows is that it's a reel-to-reel copy from 1978, and it's two hours long. Soo, all signs point to the
feature-length edit of
Saga of a Star World, the original 1978 Battlestar pilot. So don't go if you're expecting Razor, but serious fans will probably want to brush up on their classics.
Bring me everyone. What do you mean, everyone? EVVVRRRYYYYYONNNNE!
Saturday, May 30
So Watson Adventures puts on these big relatively expensive scavenger hunts for adult nerds, and this is the most interesting one I've heard of so far. I'm not sure how much scavenging competition is involved, but at the very least you'll get indulge your film nerdism by visiting tons of film locations, including spots from Ghostbusters, Six Degrees of Separation, Fisher King, The Producers, and many other movies that unlike me, you probably like even more than those four (hit the link for a list). Photo ops, anyone?
Sunday, June 1
This screening series gives you a choice between two films, but HONESTLY, who is going to waste their time on an inferior Guy Ritchie film (and aren't they all?) when you could be watching Gary Oldman hamming it the fuck up as a psychotic, pill-popping DEA agent?! GIVE ME A BREAK. Plus you get free popcorn and locally produced shorts before the feature. So bring "EVERYONE" you know and enjoy.
*Animated Standfield GIF is the work of genius Jim Miles
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