How much did I love The Dark Knight? So much I had to draw a frenzied, semi-illegible stick figure comic about it. Maybe not so much ABOUT the film, it really just summarizes the first half hour. It's one of those. Bonus feature: a collapsed interpretation of the Rachel Dawes arc.
HUGE SPOILERS after the jump for anyone who didn't see it...seriously.

Hey, fandom isn't always pretty. Here's what I remember of Rachel Dawes.

Were you shocked? I was shocked.
i loved your interpretation of the rachel dawes storyline... very accurate
I finally saw the movie and the first thing I did when I got home was check out your stick figure version.....I was not disappointed.
I can't believe I never noticed how large the Charlie Brown and Snoopy archetypes loom over this movie-- The Red Baron really is sort of the prevailing absent presence. Good show, analyst.
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