Seriously. Jamie, Doc and I laughed, cried, and shared our most intimate secrets together during a two-hour plus conversation late Friday night. What started with a tactically loud "There's no way that's DOC HAMMER!" ended with the bonds of friendship drawn tight 'round us all. Ok, I'm exaggerating. A little. The next morning Doc spotted Jamie on a workbreak outside the Apple store, and told him that after we left he was followed by a drunk fan, whom he chatted with until the fan was hit by a car. Doc, feeling somewhat responsible for the victim, began tending to him as best he could when the driver of the car (also apparently drunk) got out and said "Hey, you're Doc Hammer from
Venture Bros!" Now when you're in a city of millions and a fan of yours gets hit by a car driven by another fan of yours... You must feel like the most famous man alive. Among Friday night drunks, at least.
Jamie's sneakers vs. Doc Hammer's kicks after the jump...

Check out our previous Venture Bros coverage...
I, wait, so you guys hung out with Doc Hammer?
yeah.... how'd you manage that?
Well, "hung out" might be overstating things. We really just stood on a street corner giving people directions as they came out of the subway. For a couple of hours.
That's like, the best thing I've heard.
uhhhh his feet look freakishly small but I still love 'im.
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