A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a fevered analysis on the shared and disperate qualties of Luke and Anakin Skywalker. The conclusion was Anakin is a horrible, horrible person but also a victim of circumstance, because his formative years were a trauma-inducing roller coaster of highs, lows, and constant dehumanization.
"Sweeping floors in the new jedi temple dedicated to me" FTW
That's brilliant.
he sounds a bit like Michael Cera. Intentional?
how old is the kid that dubbed this?!
Awesomeness. You must become huge on YouTube immediately.
These are brilliant. and I thought the dog in UP had over revealing honesty.
Michael Cera LOL! If he sounds like MC that is unintentional, because that is basically just me talking in a slightly lower and more psychotic than usual voice. So I think the real question is why does Michael Cera sound like a GIRL doing a bizarre Anakin Skywalker impression?!
Thanks to all who enjoyed this - the third and final installment is on the way. As AOTC progresses, Anakin becomes more overtly evil, so it becomes hard to top the things he's ACTUALLY saying.
also: I love the phrase "over revealing honesty". Who needs tact when you're the living embodiment of The Force?
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