Those total D-Bags over at ThinkGeek think they have the best April Fools prank ever. Smug assholes. They had to go and taun-taunt us (a-thank-you) with this insanely awesome sleeping bag shaped like a vivisected tauntaun! You would get to sleep in its intestine-patterned innards with your brow resting gently on its adorable tauntaun pillow-head. There's even a lightsaber zipper pull so you can imagine slicing the beast open every night before you go to bed! BUT if you click the BUY NOW button (as any self respecting nerd would) you'll find a mean old "April Fools!" message awaiting you. Quit mocking us and get to work on making this thing a reality! I don't care if I'm a 26 year old urban professional with a fiance! I'd sleep in this thing every night!

Crap, this is fake?! I sent it to my friend telling him that it would be great for his son.
I see this as another "Prank turned into actual item" like last year's speaker shirt.
Same, countdown to seeing these on Etsy and Ebay.
Oh how I pray you're both right.
Only thing in the way would be licensing...
They are currently trying to get licensing right to make this. STOKED!
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