Tuesday, April 14, 2009

TweenBot Proves Humans Will Be The Agents of Their Own Enslavement

In what is surely another sign of the coming Robot Apocalypse, a student at NYU's Interactive Communications Program has created a small, adorable robot that depends on the kindness of humans to fulfill its goal of getting from one place to another.

TweenBot is armed only with a forward-motor, a flag that pleads for help getting to its desired location, and a disarmingly cute cardboard face. This is all it takes to cajole humans, humans with lives and desires of their own, into doing its robotic bidding.

Behold the power of cuteness...

Learn more about this troubling experiment at the artist/mad scientist's website.


Reis O'Brien said...

Okay... that is awesome. I love that little guy just rollin' along. I'm surprised at how many people helped him. I'm also surprised he wasn't stolen.

Sweet video!

Anonymous said...

I hate to be a grammar nazi, but you used "it's" incorrectly three times in one post. Once per sentence, actually.

Robots may be taking over, but Blogger still needs to implement a grammar check.

AHR said...

Fixed. I always get that one wrong...I don't see why just because something is an "it" instead of a human it loses its possessive "s". In the future, when robots control the earth, things will be different.

Degan said...

OH MAN that's cute. I would help him do anything he needs... what's that TweenBot? You want me to kill? JUST TELL ME WHO AND THEY'RE GONE

Nards said...

It seemed like its biggest design flaw was the help me sign. Without the sign it probably wouldn't need help.