Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Geekanerd Spotter: Potter Villains Take the NYC Subway

Spotted this station-wide Harry Potter ad campaign in the 42nd Street Times Square Subway station. This poster portrays all the baddies in a subway station (meta!), with a train wooshing by behind them. If I saw these guys on the subway, I would definitely follow them because you know a Slytherin party in New York is the place to freakin be. Gryffindor parties are probably just a lot of sitting in a circle on the floor and telling stories about friendship. Slytherin parties have drugs and anonymous sex! And murder!


Abigail said...

Ravenclaw parties would be full of games, fucked up conversations, and alcohol... or maybe I'm projecting. ;)

Degan said...

and Hufflepuff parties would just be name tags, trust exercises, and lemonade