One of the big Indiana Jones reveals at Comic-Con was that Karen Allen will be reprising her role as hard-drinkin', tough-talkin', Indiana-lovin' Marion Ravenwood in the new Indiana Jones movie. Oh, and also Shia LaBeouf looks ridiculous with facial hair. See them all walking and talking to a Comic-Con crowd via satellite in the video section of
the official site. On a side note, can anyone recall if Marion's absence from Temple of Doom was explained? It bothers me when love interests disappear in sequels so our hero can bed a new damsel.
Yeah, Marion's absence was explained... temple of doom actually takes place a year or so before raiders, so in Indy chronology, he hadn't run into marion yet. The real question is, "is Kate Capshaw's absence from Raiders explained?" Oh wait... it is... she's really annoying, who in their right mind would spend more than a month with that nut. EXPLANATION SATISFACTORY.
Thanks Degan, I really showed how little I know about Indiana Jones mythology there. Before Raiders, you say? Who knew. So the new question is, is Marion's absence from The Last Crusade explained?
uh, yeah... i think that one's just a simple "he can't keep it in his pants" sorta deal. Kinda like bond i suppose. With a little more wear and tear. But he didn't fall in love in crusade-so its not like he moves on thaaat quickly... i mean the girl was a nazi! So i'm sure if marion wasn't there, he was still thinking about her.
You're such a romantic, Degan.
Is that a screen cap from the convention? Nice job, that's the best I've seen. All I got off of my camera was a bunch of blurry shapes resembling paunchy Han Solo in a fedora.
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