There! That's it! Okay, you need more info? Click the pic for the artists website (UPDATE: The Link is fixed. Hell, just go to He's promised to make this a monthly thing if anyone takes notice, and I can promise you, if that toy isn't gone by 6pm EST, it's mine!
That said, if any Gnerd readers get it, send us a pic, you lucky bastard.
PS: If you're unfamiliar with what a Dunny is, check our photos from last year's Spooky Halloween Custome Toy Show. One of the organizers of that show is the same artist who customized and hid the toy in Union Square.
UPDATE 3:45pm: This just in via our Facebook Friend Feed: Chris M. of Brooklyn just found it! Here's a picture of Mister Speedy McSmugface with his prize.
"Click the pic for the artists website"
Just links to the picture. Please fix.
My bad. All fixed. You gonna get it? Supposedly the artist is gonna email me when he finds out it's gone, and that hasn't happened you've got a shot.
It is told that in medieval England, full lace wigsthere was a tradition to pile small buns in front of the marriage couple. full lace wigsThe pile was stacked high enough so that the bride and groom could barely see one another. If the bride and groom managed to share a kiss over the stack, lace wigsit was supposed to symbolize a lifetime of prosperity. However, during the reign of King Charles II, a French chef paid a visit to London and he observed the cake piling ritual. The chef found this ritual inconvenient and he decided that he would use short lengths of broom sticks to separate the invitations The cakes had to be prepared in advance and due to the lack or refrigeration, they had to be frosted in lard to stop them from drying out. Before the wedding ceremony, the lard was scraped from the cake, however, cheap wedding dressesin later years to improve the taste of the lard, sugar was added and the lard was left on the cake as a form of decorative icing. These cakes must have resembled the more familiar wedding cakes which we are used to seeing today.
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