There was some concern a few weeks back when Samuel L. Jackson denied rumors that he was slated to play Nick Fury in upcoming Marvel movies... well, Marvel must have offered him a purple lightsaber, because now Hollywood Reporter is hollywood reporting (yes, I've used that joke before, but I like it) that he just signed a 9 picture deal with Marvel Studios. So you can now look forward to seeing him in Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America, The Avengers, Ant Man, The Stupendous Hulk, Spiderman 7, Power Pack, Doc Doom's Big Adventure, and My Dinner with Andre the Mutant... ok, most of those were fake-but seriously, 9 movies is a shit ton of movies! Do they even have 9 movies worth of material?
Anyway, this just furthers my argument that Marvel Studios is doing everything right with their franchises. Smart move on their part-I don't remember hearing any audience cheer more then when Sam Jackson stepped out of the shadows at the end of Iron Man.
I don't remember hearing any audience cheer more then when Sam Jackson stepped out of the shadows at the end of Iron Man.
Surprising, I know... but I swear, in both of the screenings of Dark Knight I went to, the cheers for Gordon's triumphant return did not match the cheers for Nick Fury. I mean, they were cheering and all that, but oh man, they went NUTS for Sam Jackson... maybe i was in a theater full of complete Marvel geeks, but the theater went crazy go nuts. Also, that Gordon moment is definitely close to tops.
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