Monday, September 10, 2007

Funny Windows Errors Evoke Nostalgia From Traitorous Mac Users

Many of us at Geekanerd's are long-time PC users who switched to Macs several years ago (or in some cases, about a week ago). And while I personally have gotten far better usage out of my Mac, I have a certain lingering allegiance to the wacky world of Start Menus and Critical Errors. I guess that's why looking at this collection of strange and infuriating windows errors felt like a stroll down memory lane. Stockholm syndrome, anyone?

Commenters on the post have pointed out that several of these are almost certainly Photoshopped - the image above even has some very suspicious distortion around the text that smacks of a shoddy PaintShop job. But you never know with Windows; that could just be the desktop disintegrating before your very eyes.

Via Haha.Nu

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