Thursday, July 17, 2008

The First Watchmen Trailer Is On YouTube Everywhere RIGHT THIS SECOND

Oh my! This kinda came out of nowhere, didn't it? And it's not one of those little two shots of a CG title teasers, this is a full-felged trailer with tons and tons of footage. UPDATE: If you aren't into crappy YouTube footage, Apple has a higher res version up (thanks Degan).

The trailer itself is mostly just a collection of shots that feature the main characters. It tells nothing of the story, doesn't impress really with costumes and effects...of course us nerds know that the source material is so good it can't possibly falter on the story and character front (right?), but I can't imagine those not familiar with the book will be too impressed with this. Still, as a fan of the book, it's undeniably exciting to see familiar frames come to life. For a look at the accuracy of the page to screen transition, check out our side-by-side comparison of some of these frames with the panels that inspired them.


Albo said...

Hmm... Some parts are looking a leeetle TV movie. Dr. Manhattan building his little crystal moon castle put a good feeling in my belly, though. I guess we'll know soon enough if this is the one that shows before Dark Knight... I'm assuming it is.

Degan said...

You know what... i'm not even going to risk it... i want my first experience with the watchmen trailer on the big screen-shared with hundreds of other nerds... i'll watch this AFTER this weekend.

Degan said...

also, now its up on apple...

Anonymous said...

yep, this is the trailer from dark knight. which is excellent. by the way.

Bishop said...

$20 says it blows.

Anonymous said...

I've had a uneasy feeling about this movie since they announced Zack Snyder as director. I've got nothing agaisnt the guy and 300 was pretty good, (in a macho, half naked men kicking ass kind of way). But it's wasn't what I'd call deep or subtle by any means. I was hoping for something a little more gritty and intriguing rather than slow-mo kicks out of windows. Still I hope it's a good one

Anonymous said...

As someone not familiar with the book (what the hell am I doing here?!) I'm pretty impressed.